They say that you should not open your hive at night because that's when the bees are all home from a day of foraging. Well....we shoulda listened but we didn't. We really just wanted to make sure they were alive and that the gallon baggies of simple syrup didn't explode.
We didn't bother suiting up but went straight to the hive when we got to the ranch. Plenty of bees hanging out front and it appears that they've chewed on the opening some to make a bigger door.
The bees didn't bother us a bit. So...we decided to open the top to check the syrup bags. They ate a lot but there was still plenty.
No sooner had I got a picture when they started coming for Quin. He quickly dropped the lid and headed for the truck. They weren't bothering me so I thought...let's take another picture.! One bee flew into my hair and stung my scalp. NICE! I also headed for the truck but was able to get the old girl to leave me bee. Quin went back and gently replace the lid and tied it all on. We may have lost a couple to a squishing death in the process.
Tomorrow we'll suit up and get a better look and better pictures in the daylight!